Saturday, April 02, 2005

"No" Means "Yes" in Poland

MISA's annual Alumni Night this last Thursday, with yours truly as the MC. Ever get the feeling that people are too polite or kind (or scared) to tell you what they actually think? Oh well, that's not really something I want to write about right now. What I do want to share is a couple of quotes I picked up.

"If you were a hot dog, and you are hungry, would you eat yourself?" --Paul Cyr

Behind this SNL quote is a metaphor to self-sacrifice. When put to the task, how willing are you to sacrifice yourself for it? There is only so much that you are able to give; you have to find your passion.

This goes hand in hand with a quote from later that night:

"Make your no's mean no and your yes's mean yes." --Jason McIvor

Too often people will say "yes" or "no" according to what they think the other person wants to hear, or because they feel it is expected of them. Reaaly, by doing this you are showing that you are afraid of the consequences of telling the truth. And while there may be consequences, they are most likely small compared to the consequences of being caught in a falsehood.

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On a different note, my mood nowadays is too easily swayed by music. Or is it that the kind of music I listen to is influenced by my current mood? Either way, I have to stop playing this melencholy shit.

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Back to Alumni Night, the BILLION DOLLAR MIS CHALLENGE was a blast... although I had a brain fart and let Paul win the acronym challenge with "FTP". Honestly... FTP? WTF?

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