Thursday, September 29, 2005

Remixed Movie Trailers

I don't know how some people can claim that The Shining is one of the best horror flicks around. It looks like a family friendly movie to me.

On the other hand, I'd say the frightful streets in West Side Story seems like a new take on zombie movies while Titanic is a standard horror flick.

(Apparently, all three come from "an assistants competition in recutting a trailer of a movie in a different genre". I've traced the links back to this blog (see Sept 29, and Sept 26). So credit where credit's due)

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Bruce Lee & Cat Fights

Have you seen Bruce Lee's 1964 screen test? Dizzamn! Too fast for the camera!

Random Bruce Lee fact: Bruce Lee was the Cha Cha Champion of Hong Kong in 1958. He worked part time as a Cha Cha instructor for a short time when he returned to San Francisco in April 1959.


Kitten War! How can you people say dogs are better than cats?

The wonderful thing about Tiggers, is that Tiggers are wonderful things...

"I'd like it wrapped up, please"

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

New record?

Three days.

They say "nothing lasts forever," I know that and I'm fine with that. But who would have thought three bloody days (and 5 hours).

Fucking eh, eh? Eh.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Entertainment Value

There's a new Grow puzzle game over at Eyemaze called Grow Cube. Took me about 30 minutes to solve it, but I was loved it every second. I blogged about other Eyemaze puzzle games previously.

Speaking of games, I'm an adventure game junkie and one that I'm particularly looking forward to is Indigo Prophesy (AKA Fahrenheit outside of North America). Played the demo, and I'm very intrigued.

Still on the topic of awesome stuff, Serenity is coming out on Friday September 30th. It apparently continues the story of one of my all time favourite TV series, Firefly (which Fox in its infinite wisdom cancelled after showing only nine episodes out of sequence).

Let me make this clear now: If this movie isn't a resounding box office hit, and I find out that you did not pay for a movie ticket to go watch this movie, I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND GUT YOU IN REEVER-LIKE FASHION! No power in the 'verse can stop me!

If you ask nicely, I may lend out my DVD version of the series.

And if you can sing the song of the Hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne, forgive me if I say I think you're awful shiney and want to bear your man babies.

(Hooray for Firefly references!)

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Teach a man to fish...

I keep talking to others about how you should not expect change to occur overnight, yet I'm guilty of doing the same. I suppose what I should be preaching is that only expecting change does very little to enact change. If you want the change to happen, you should be proactive about it; meet it head on.
-- Posted May 2, 2005 (link)

I don't need a helping hand so much as I need motivation. I know this. I want this. Yet I don't do it.

Could it be I don't exactly know how?

Somebody teach me to fish.

* * * * *

Why do you like dirty things?

It's not dirty, it's "rustic". I think it's cool.

Given a little more thought, a rustic appearance gives me the feeling that it's been lived in... used, if you will. As if it had a purpose, fulfilled it, and is now taking a well deserved rest from the pristine regulations and requirements that previously commanded it. I suppose I see it as the symbolic representation of an ideal progression through the various phases of life.

Where others see dirt and rust, I see analogies and opportunities for self-righteous philosophying.

I believe I've partaken of this fish too often; I need to learn to catch another kind.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Deliberate Deliberations

I'm tired.

You're always tired, man.

Yeah, but not for much longer, though. I think I'm started to get tired of it.

Get tired of what?

Of getting tired.


Don't you ever get tired of being tired? You know... so tired of being tired all the time that you instead start to be energized?

Dude... what?

It's like when I get tired of eating Fruit Loops all the time, I'll switch to Raisin Bran or Frosted Flakes. I figure once I get tired of being tired, I'll switch to being energized.

Do you even listen to yourself speak anymore?

Of course, I suppose I'll eventually get tired of being energized and move on to being angry or irritated... maybe even switching back to tired if the others don't work out. Don't mess with what works, that's what they say, right?

Do you ever get tired of being a jerk-wad?

... Sometimes.