Thursday, September 01, 2005

Deliberate Deliberations

I'm tired.

You're always tired, man.

Yeah, but not for much longer, though. I think I'm started to get tired of it.

Get tired of what?

Of getting tired.


Don't you ever get tired of being tired? You know... so tired of being tired all the time that you instead start to be energized?

Dude... what?

It's like when I get tired of eating Fruit Loops all the time, I'll switch to Raisin Bran or Frosted Flakes. I figure once I get tired of being tired, I'll switch to being energized.

Do you even listen to yourself speak anymore?

Of course, I suppose I'll eventually get tired of being energized and move on to being angry or irritated... maybe even switching back to tired if the others don't work out. Don't mess with what works, that's what they say, right?

Do you ever get tired of being a jerk-wad?

... Sometimes.

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