Thursday, January 04, 2007

(C) Elephant Love Medley

AA: Love's a strange and fickle creature; hey, do you think love's a she or a he?

CF: A 'she' because love is crazy *grin*
Or maybe a 'he' because love is stubborn...

No, wait... that's still a 'she'...


"Why not?" indeed.

Convenience trumps [it] every time.


ST: I was only told that before [her], you didn't believe in love. Which implies that after [her], you did.

BR: Not quite... it's more that before [her] I believed that I had already felt love. Now I'm not so sure.


KH: "[My Husband] thought you were just wanting to get in my pants. Sorry, would have let you crash here if we had been awake / gracious enough to answer the phone."


BL: Will you be part of my friend test.. if ever I date a guy serious enough to go through a test?

BN: As the guy friend, count on me to take him to a strip bar, get drunk, and hear the real unfiltered scoop from him *thumbs up*

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