Sunday, January 14, 2007

Arty McArtisan

I've been lackadaisically looking for art pieces for The Pad. In the process, plans for Sakura Blossom Robots and commissioned koreanninja murals have languished by the wayside.

Finally, I think I've found the art style that I've been looking for.

I simply adore John Lytle Wilson's work.

Of course his exhibitions are all on the East coast and the cost for an 8x4 artpiece are most likely woefully out of my price range, so I suppose I'll have to rely on Plan B:

  1. Seduce John Lytle Wilson,
  2. Have his man-babies,
  3. Force our genetically-impossible children into slave labour to paint murals for The Pad.
  4. Try to put aside 5% of each paycheque into a college fund for the kids. Just because they're genetic freaks doesn't mean that they don't deserve a good education.
Three cheers for good ol' Plan B.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg, why don't you tell me earlier that you are into colorful robots, i can paint a reproduction of that pic in no time :P