Sunday, January 09, 2005

Vegas log book

Some people have asked for stories from my recent trip to Vegas. To them I say the stories aren't all that important because "since I was in another country, it doesn't count".

Let me make an attempt to explain the rationalisation behind this line of thinking, popularized by Friends (incidentally, the "Joey" spinoff blows... hard. They should have done a show based on Gunther :) ).

  1. Travelling to another country typically involves crossing time zones.

  2. When crossing a time zone, your sleep schedule is thrown off and adaptation must ensue.

  3. Adaptation implies change

  4. Change is difficult for the sleep deprived (and we all are sleep deprived)

  5. The choices you make in this state can fall in one of two categories, poor decisions in efforts help you adapt and... poor decisions in general

  6. Thus, decisions made when in a different time zone are inherently poor, not by the fault of the person, but more as a result of the circumstances

  7. Ergo, when you're in another timezone, it doesn't count
Wait... Vancouver and Las Vegas are in the same time zone? There goes that excuse...

Different time zone (poor judgement) + Beer (poor judgement +) + Hot Georgia chick (poor judgement ++) = HOTT!

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