Brain vomit
Paving Roads
What is the impetus for creating roads? These days, we know where a road will lead before we build it.
But let's step back to a time before roads were paved with tar.
Step back again to before they were compressed compounds of dirt.
Step back to when they were but paths etched out in the grassy plains through repeated travels.
Step back to that first step that would forge a new path that would build a road that would grant access to untold opportunity.
Was was the impetus for that first step? Survival? Wonderment? Disillusionment?
Honestly though, who the fuck cares?
I can kill you with my brain!
Guy beside me in class: "Wait, wait... stop right there. Just let me... reflect on this... ... ... ... Oooohhhhh! ... ... But wait..."
Me: If we all concentrate really, REALLY hard, I think we can choke him to death with our brains!
Christmas Gifts
It the thought that counts? Bullshit.
To paraphrase a movie quote: Deep down you may still be that same great person you used to be. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you.
If you really care about somebody, don't get something for them, do something for them.
Yes, I know 'getting something' is technically 'doing something'. But it's the motivation and reason behind it that really... aww fugnuts. I guess it really is the thought that counts.
Relationships are like a see-saw. To really make it work, you both have to have the same weight invested in it, you both have to push, and you both have to trust the other isn't about to jump off without warning.
Yadda, yadda, [insert amateur analysis] yadda [insert thinly veiled metaphor for my current state of mind] yadda yadda.
[Insert edited-real-life or completely-made-up conversation dialog that's really a thinly veiled metaphor]
Las Vegas
It's alright. But it just doesn't compare.
Not even close.
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