Monday, December 05, 2005

Bombs away!

Hey, look up!


What do you mean, "no"? Look up, there's a patch of blue sky!

I'll take your word for it.

Dude, just look up.


Why the fuck not?

Because the last time I started looking up... I had a bomb drop on me.

Well, in that case, that's why you should keep looking up. So that you can avoid these "bombs".

No, you don't understand. The only reason the bomb dropped was because I was looking up. It was waiting for me to do that.

Alright, what kind of bombs are we talking about here?

The kind that drop when you're looking up.

I'm looking up and not seeing any bombs.

That doesn't mean they're not there.

... Dude, I'm all for your quirkiness, it keeps things interesting, but seriously... you're fucked up.

Well what do you expect after you get a bomb dropped on you? That's why I won't be looking up anymore. No looking up = no dropping of bombs = this is as bad as it gets. Why would I be looking up if it will only make things worse?

So your goal in life is to not make things worse?

I suppose so.

With that line of thinking, you won't be making things better. If you look up long enough, you'll see that there is a lots more waiting for you than these bombs of yours. In fact, I'm looking up right now, and nothing bad is happening to me.


Dude, start looking up or I'm gonna kick your ass.

Fine. [Starts looking up] Oh you fucktart! Incoming! [slumps to the ground]

Dude... you're fucked up.

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