The week in review
Saturday - promises
Made a promise.
Promises. There are two phrases that I am very careful about using. Their meanings are very specific to me and carry a lot of baggage with them. One of these phrases is "I promise you".
I don't make promises lightly and when I do, it is with the full intension to keep them. I'm just forgetful sometimes, is all.
Sunday - marriage
Got away from the kids and spent some time with the wife. Oh those triplets, love them to death, but they'll be the death of me.
Ever commit to something, then when the time comes you say "Oh HELL no!" Yeah, it happens.
And congrats to the lucky couple. Apparently "marriage" is the word of the day.
Monday - drinking pains
Busy at work when when all of a sudden at 1:10pm, "Oww... wtf is this? Oww!"
I only remember having this feeling one other time in my life. So whatever causes it must be very special. The thought then is that if it can cause inexorable pain, does it not possess the ability to do the opposite and cause the heart-bursting levels of joy?
It's a logical falacy. But I think I understand now.
Picked up the phone; decided to make the effort. Then figured the effort was too much and half-assed it.
And for the last time, no I was not drunk tonight... well, I had a nightcap, but that was later on.
Tuesday - wtf x 2
Finishing up a bowl of Bun Bo Hue at 5:55pm... it strikes again. An open window, the Art Institute of Seattle, The Ellen Degeneres Show... wtf is going on?!
Drinking only made it worse. Funny thing? I think I liked it when it got worse. At least it was something, you know?
Amazing cup of hot chocolate.
Wednesday - respect
You have none, yet demand it anyways.
I'm still young gorram it!
I'm beginning to wonder if I have any myself.
Thursday - growth
Free lift tickets at Grouse! Of course, it can't be that simple and they have to run out of both ski and snowboard boots in my size.
Wasn't all bad though. I found out that just like before, I'm still a sucker for a nice Aussie accent. The difference this time? I don't have the excuse of being in a different time zone.
Conversations. I still don't really understand it, but thanks for trying to explain it. I'm sure I'll get it someday. (Actually, I'm not so sure about that)
Took off the bandage. Instead of slapping another on and possibly creating a complication, let it go so that the wound can heal. I'm sure it'll leave a scar, but scars add character!
And so instead of giving in to tempations to regress, I made good on a promise; I picked up the phone.
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