Thursday, August 04, 2005

Patterns in life

Looking over my SFU transcript, and alarming pattern emerged.

Every year, my marks would peak in the Summer semester before taking a drastic fall in the Fall semester.


I even made a chart to illustrate the point:

Okay, so 2004 doesn't follow the pattern exactly since summer semester isn't the highest that year, but that was the only semester that I only took one course, so let's consider it an anomaly. But the Fall semester is still my worst GPA wise.

Delving back, summer-time is when I had lots of distractions from my school work, and fall semester was always the semester I promised myself that I'd crack down and get serious about school.

So what have I learned from this? Don't try so hard. I do my best when I'm not trying. It's when I try my best that everything goes in the crapper. Best intentions and all that jazz?

In other words, motivated underachievement works!

(or it could be related to taking on a larger workload and more intensive courses during the Fall. Who really knows...)


keisuke_z said...

hehe.. my grades peak in the fall, and steadily decline over the other two semesters. spring used to be the worst, now summer seems to be...

btw - you can have moulin rouge next week after i'm finished my exams on saturday. unless you want to come to surrey to get it. =P

Anonymous said...

hallooo bruce 'tis najin =) lovely blog you have going on here...visit my site if ye fancy: in IE, you fool =)