[Rant] Break a fu.cking leg
You know what annoys me? People who say "good luck" annoy me.
Not only is it cliche and shows no imagination and very little effort on part of the person saying it, but it also implies that if you should succeed or do well then it is a result of chance, not merit.
Whenever I hear, "good luck," I assume the stipend of, "you'll need it". The implication is that your abilities either aren't up to par or your abilities don't matter. With the former, it's just an insult. With the latter, your success or failure is a function of luck or fate and not any thing particular that you did. And as you may know, I am a firm disbeliever in fate.
So what do I suggest as an alternative to "good luck"? How about "go kick some ass".
Have an important game or test coming up? Go kick some ass!
Have an interview tomorrow? Go kick some ass!
Hitting up a girl at the bar? Go kick some ass!
Trying to train a stubborn donkey? Go kick some ass!
Go kick some ass!
Or for something a little more civilized, an "I hope you do well" would suffice. Sure, you can read some implications in that phrase as well (lack of understanding of the person's skills or situation, hope => pray => you need some outside help) but I think it's an improvement over "good luck".
Or how about "You can DO IT!"
That works too.
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