To Every Season Turn, Turn, Turn
Last year around Thanksgiving, I sent Fourteen thank you's to people I deeply valued in my life. It's recently come to my attention that the people in my Fourteen has changed.
Who's in the current line-up? In alphabetical order by first name:
(Congrats to A, H, J3, and N2 for making the list this year. As for C, M2, T2, and Z who were dropped from the list... try again next year!)
In order of who I would want on my pirate ship as we sail the seven seas in search of booty and treasaarrrr:
(Pirating transferable skills, wench-adeptness, and likelihood of mutiny were deciding factors in this ranking)
In order of who I would butcher first and make into a sandwich when Judgment Day arrives and we resort to cannibalism:
(Likelihood of deliciousness, chances of prolonged post-apocalyptic survival, and dietary variety have been taken into consideration. Usefulness with overthrowing our machine overlords and repopulating the devastated landscape have not been factored in.)
In terms of mnemonics / hilarious acronyms:
(It just worked out that way, I swear! But seriously, think about the BJ. Big fan of the BJ.)
Now I'm deeply curious to know whether or not I'm the sort-of-wanted person on your pirate ship (aka N6) or the not-so-wanted-at-all person on your pirate ship (aka N12)!!!
Either way, why does Najin rank SO poorly on your pirate ship lineup?! What pirating skills am I lacking that would land me in spot 6 or 12??? *sigh*. Is it because I'm a ninja? When will this treacherous battle between ninjas and pirates end?! Why can't we be friends, for God's sake?!
Am I, or am I not, most likely to be eaten by you (spot 1 or 13)?
If I find out that I am indeed, spot 12 and 13 (respectively), I refuse to speak to you on friendly terms.
Don't put Najin at the bottom of your 14-friend barrel! You'll be sorry.....
RE Pirate Ranking:
An ideal pirate crew is about muscle, obedience, and black-stallion-ness... waitaminute. While I admit to your high scores in wench-ness, wench-ness leads to a distracted pirate crew. And a distracted pirate crew is a sloppy pirate crew.
RE Deliciousness:
Oh Sunshine, you're definitely first on my list of people I would most enjoy eating out.
AHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that line in my blog wasn't directed at you, sir).
You know, I'm PERFECTLY pillage/pirate-capable...but apparantly not by your standards.
Evil captain you are!
I'm going to ignore your last line about 'eating out'.
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