Monday, July 04, 2005

Independent World Television

A friend recently pointed this out to me.

Regular cable subscribers don't get Fox News here in Canada, (although that may soon change) but with issues of corporate and political bias in media even in Canada (with CanWest Global's virtual monopoly) and the proported lack of investigative journalism in today's news coverage, this just may be what the doctor ordered.

Some info straight from their website:

The Problem

Serious news and full-spectrum debate -- on which democracy depends -- are disappearing from television. Across the globe, news media are concentrated in the hands of a few entertainment conglomerates whose interests determine news coverage. They promote superficial "infotainment" over tough investigation, context and holding authority accountable. Public broadcasters face shrinking budgets and growing political and commercial pressures.

The Solution

We need a news and current affairs network that defends the public interest and the highest standards of journalism. Independent World Television will be such a network, a non-profit broadcast service financed by viewers across the globe -- independent of corporate or government funding and commercial advertising.

I like the concept behind this, but it's much too early to tell if they'll be able to deliver on their promises. Something about the teaser video strikes me a little... off. I think it's mostly the editing and some of the visuals they decided to show. I hope it doesn't end up being a left-wing propaganda machine to counteract a right-wing bias perceived in other media.

Perhaps I'm being too cinical. I've browsed the site a bit and they do seem genuine and able to pull it off with the clout and credibility of the media personalities associated with it.

Time will tell. If nothing else, I hope it takes off as an example of community funded movement.

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