Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Friday, December 23, 2005

Yes, more highlighting required.

My Christmas weekend plans?

They involve the following:

  • a farm,
  • scarfing into a Tom (turkey),
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail,
  • mountainous snow (or snowy mountains?), and
  • me being out of Vancouver for about 96 hours
Hopefully this will let me clear my head, from images of Christmas past and Christmas present.

Some people know my issues with Christmas past. Forgive me if the season doesn't exactly fill me with cheer every year. Is it because I want what I don't have? No... I'm pretty sure that's not the problem at all. The problem is I don't know what I want... besides you.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


The full series of Firefly is now on sale at HMV for $29.99, regular price $69.99. (Ignore what the website says, the price in-store is $29.99 and HMV Metrotown still had quite a few copies in stock today).

Add on to that the fact that the movie (Serenity) is selling for $24.99 and you have the perfect equation for a great christmas gift for any fan of great storytelling (hint hint).

And if you have already bought a gift for somebody, that's still no excuse not to buy this. Buy it, wrap it up, wish your loved one a Happy Wednesday, then relax in front of your TV and bask in the awesomeness that is Firefly.

Oh, and in case you couldn't guess, I love this series.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

My Christmas Check List

Oh so much to do, oh so much to do.

Oh, and check out Najin's website. She's a local and modest artist, a friendly neighbourhood ninja, and quite the hot tomali. Just be careful not to ask her to marry you.

But they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

What's your favourite?


But you're drinking a daiquiri


There's no gin in that.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer gin.

Alright. So what and gin? How would you want it?

Don't need anything else. Just straight-up, neat, gin.

That's pretty 'core.

I 'spose.

But what about freedom? Didn't you say you wanted your freedom?

We're not having one of those metaphorical conversations again, are we?

Is there any other kind?

You're making my head hurt.

Are you sure it's not the gin that's causing the pain?

Dude... seriously... shut up!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

From my blog to your email

I've added an email subscription service for those that don't use RSS feeds but would still like to keep up to date with my blog.

Just enter your email in the form along the right side of the screen and you'll be emailed my blog posts as I write them.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

True Story

Last night I was reading in bed. I shifted positions and felt a twitch in my neck which made me succumb to uncontrollable spasms for what seemed like forever but was more likely around 60 seconds.

I woke up this morning at around 7:30am. I didn't get out of bed for another 5 hours. I wanted to get up, but I couldn't.

I physically could not move.

Well, I could still move, but my neck was in such excrutiating pain whenever I tried that I chose to lay in bed for a few extra hours. It's like the muscles that support my head had gone on strike and cried out in protest whenever I tried willing them to work.

There's a metaphor here about support, expectations, and the lack thereof... or maybe prolonged build-up of tensions and unexpected consequences... whatever it is, I'm in no mood to find it.

I just want my support back.
(Is THAT the metaphor?)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

To the memory of Lee Matasi

How will you be remembered after the fact?

Three memories stick out in my mind: Scratching on your ghetto blaster... smuggling booze in a pink flamingo prop into the prom... sporting a smooth looking top hat and cane at the prom.

I think it's safe to say that we were no more than acquaintences, really. Friends of friends who never really talked. But still, there's an impact when there is a passing of somebody you actually met and knew in person. Especially when that passing is unexpected.

Shock is what I'm feeling right now.

Rant about media spin and hidden agendas to be respectfully addressed another day.

Rest in peace, Lee.

Please join us this Wednesday, Dec 7, 2005 at Leeside
at 3:00 pm for a memorial for Lee Matasi.
Directions: Leeside is the tunnel under hastings and hwy 1
head down hastings turn right at the playland gates, make your first left go to the end
and park somewhere(its right close to the ecomm building).

There will be a Wake for Lee Friday, December 9th, 2005 at
Anti Social on Main Street.

Please join us for our Monthly Meeting
where there will be a meeting regarding a skatepark to be built
in honor of Leeside Lee - Lee Matasi.

7 PM - Wednesday Dec 7, 2005 at the
Round House Community Centre
181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver, BC

Anybody who would like to share their memories and photos of Lee -
Please email them to - - and we will forward them to Lee's Family.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Bombs away!

Hey, look up!


What do you mean, "no"? Look up, there's a patch of blue sky!

I'll take your word for it.

Dude, just look up.


Why the fuck not?

Because the last time I started looking up... I had a bomb drop on me.

Well, in that case, that's why you should keep looking up. So that you can avoid these "bombs".

No, you don't understand. The only reason the bomb dropped was because I was looking up. It was waiting for me to do that.

Alright, what kind of bombs are we talking about here?

The kind that drop when you're looking up.

I'm looking up and not seeing any bombs.

That doesn't mean they're not there.

... Dude, I'm all for your quirkiness, it keeps things interesting, but seriously... you're fucked up.

Well what do you expect after you get a bomb dropped on you? That's why I won't be looking up anymore. No looking up = no dropping of bombs = this is as bad as it gets. Why would I be looking up if it will only make things worse?

So your goal in life is to not make things worse?

I suppose so.

With that line of thinking, you won't be making things better. If you look up long enough, you'll see that there is a lots more waiting for you than these bombs of yours. In fact, I'm looking up right now, and nothing bad is happening to me.


Dude, start looking up or I'm gonna kick your ass.

Fine. [Starts looking up] Oh you fucktart! Incoming! [slumps to the ground]

Dude... you're fucked up.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Keeping an open mind. A good philosophy? In general. But like most things, successful execution is tricky.

Keeping an open mind does not necessitate indecision or being "wishy-washy" with your choices and decisions. An open mind is the the ability and willingness to process new information on which to make better, future decisions.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it"
-- Aristotle

When confronted with new information or a new idea, keeping an open mind does not mean that you accept the possibility or validity of this idea, keeping an open mind means that you will consider the possibility that it is valid. You have a choice of whether or not to accept or reject (or remain undecided about) this information. But keeping an open mind means that once more new information is received, you may choose to revisit old ideas and re-evaluate them. Choice isn't a single fork in the road of life. If you find that you have wandered off course, you can correct it at the next branch in the road... so long as you keep an open mind.

Keeping with this metaphor, your destination is not locked by the path you are travelling on (the same path can lead to many places). Likewise, your path is not locked by your intended destination (many paths can lead to the same place). You can change either the path or the destination, the trick is deciding what to change and when.

Or maybe the trick is realizing that neither the path nor the destination are as important as the journey itself, or how you choose to travel down said path, because, really, that's where all of your time will be spent.

I'm not sure of much, but I think I'll travel the next leg of my journey with a book in my bag, a song in my head, and a skip in my step. A book to learn from because I'm afraid of people. A song in my head to keep me occupied and my thoughts off of you. And a skip in my step to hurry me away from the past. I'm a coward; I don't want to travel alone anymore, but I believe that I will.